

In the Central Region of Ghana, of the 1.8% of children who reported having a disability, 30% of them indicated that they faced discrimination. Female children reported experiencing more stigma than males. (Bello et al., 2013)

Between 1990 and 2016, there was a 54.8% increase in children living with a disability in Ghana from 241,529 in 1990 to 373,912 cases in 2016 (Olusanya et al., 2018)

A study conducted in Kumasi, Ghana, found that congenital rubella affected 8 children in every 10,000 live births (Lawn et al., 2008)

The average onset of epilepsy is 8 years of age, according to one study done in Kintampo (Ayuurebobi et al, 2015)

A study found that adverse health outcomes in children are associated with lower maternal education, living in a rural community, or residing in a family with large household numbers.